Sunday, January 22, 2012

Conversation With a 6-Year-Old: What They Don't Know Edition

[We're riding home in a taxi]

A: Taxi drivers get pretty awesome cars.

Me: How so?

A: They have computers in them!

Me: That screen helps them navigate - it helps them to know where they should be going.

A: All cars should have that.

Me: I think a lot of them do.

A: But what cars shouldn't have, is no roof.

Me: Why shouldn't they have no roof?

A: Because if there's no roof, people can see what you have inside.

Me: Like what? Like, if you've got your stuff in the car with you?

A: Like, if the police saw you, and you had an alcohol drink, then if you didn't have a roof they might see you!

Me: Oh, but you should never ever have an alcoholic drink while driving a car. Or before driving a car.

A: Right ... but *if* you did, you wouldn't want the police to see you.

Me: But you wouldn't. Because that would be wrong.

A: Okay, Mom.

[Oh, dear.]

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