Sunday, January 22, 2012

Conversation With a 6-Year-Old: Survival Edition

A: All you need to live is water and food.

Me: Mostly, yes. And air. And not to get too cold.

A: Right. So, all you need is water and air and an animal.

Me: Hmm?

A: Like a cow, or a sheep. They can give you fur and food.

Me: That's true. I think a sheep is better, because they're woolly. So you'd have lots of wool, and you could drink the milk and make cheese and things, and you wouldn't have to kill it.

A: Yep. But you know what would be even better than a sheep? An alpaca.

Me: Really?

A: Yes, because an alpaca is more like a horse. It has a long neck, so you could get it to reach things for ... this is a very well-trained alpaca we're talking about, okay?

Me: Got it.

A: It could reach things down for you. [pause] You'd need cactuses. too.

Me: What for?

A: For your alpaca to eat. So, to survive, you need water and food and air and an animal and food for your animal to eat.

Me: Sounds like you've got it all figured out.

A: Yes, I do.

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