Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Conversation With a 9-Year-Old: Preparation Edition

A: So, today's Wednesday.

Me: Yes.

A: And tomorrow's Thursday ...

Me: ... yes?

A: And then Friday we don't have to go to school because we're going to Chile?

Me: That's right. Two more days of school, then a five day weekend while we're in Chile.

A: We should probably take tomorrow off to pack.

Me: Nice try, kid.

A: Or we could take today off to pack, and go to school tomorrow.

Me: You don't need a full day to pack for a five day trip.

A: I just want to be prepared!

Me: Right.

Conversation With the Boys: Colour Edition

J: Mom, when Persephone comes to live with us, we should get her a purple collar. Like, a magenta colour of purple.

A: Or a darker shade of purple. With silver bones on it.

[Magenta? Since when do my kids know what magenta is?]

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Conversation With a 9-Year-Old: Moral Support Edition

Me: Good night, sweetie.

A: Mom? Are you almost done your work?

Me: Well, I'm about halfway done.

A: When you're done, it's going to feel like ... ahhhhh! And I am pretty sure that if I'm asleep when you're done, my spirit in my dream will congratulate you. And then tomorrow morning I will congratulate you awake!