Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Conversation With a 7-Year-Old: Definition Edition

Me (at bedtime): Okay, get some good sleep so you have lots of energy to play with your friends tomorrow.

A: Technically, I don't have very many friends.

Me: You have some friends, though ...

A: Yeah, P and E and R are my friends.

Me: Right, so you have a fair number of friends. And you probably have people in your class who aren't your close friends, but that you get along with okay, and play with sometimes, right?

A: Well, sort of. But you know what I also have? Lots of arch enemies.

Me: In the school, or in your class?

A: In both! But a bunch, like maybe three or four, in my class.

Me: Hmmm. You know, technically you can only have one arch enemy. The rest are just enemies.

A: Really?

Me: Yep. That's what the "arch" part means. It's like "number one", and there can only be one number one enemy.

A: No, but that's not true, because the Joker has two arch enemies.

Me: Oh, yeah? Who?

A: Batman AND Robin.

Me: Okay, you got me there.

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