Friday, February 1, 2013

Conversation With the Boys: Spirituality Edition

[I've just tucked the boys into bed]

A: Mom? There are some people that are sort of Christians and sort of not Christians. They believe some of the Christian things.

Me: That's right.

A: And I'm one of those people.

J: Me too!

A: Because I believe, when you die, you go on to a new life. Like, you've finished this level and you're going on to the next level.

J: I believe that if there's an animal you really love, you might become the spirit of that animal after you die.

Me: That's pretty cool.

A: Do you believe in that stuff, Mom?

Me: Christian beliefs? I gotta say, kiddo, I don't really believe in most of the things that Christians do - not the things that make them specifically Christian, I mean.

A: But what about, like, wizards and ghosts and those things?

Me: Nope, I don't believe in supernatural things. But I do like to imagine they exist, and I think imagining things is pretty magical.

J: Well, I believe.

A: Me too!

[I now wonder whether we should have explored what they actually think "Christian" means]

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