Monday, April 30, 2012

Conversation With a 6-Year-Old: Manoeuvers Edition

A: I'm the second cutest boy in my class.

Me: Really? According to whom?

A: The girls. The cutest boy is really little, though.

Me: I see.

A: Technically, I'm pretty cute. Like, at recess, if I want to stop people from chasing me and prevent attacks on our team, I use The Manoeuver.

Me: What's The Manoeuver?

A: [does passable impression of Puss in Boots doing the big cute eyes in Shrek]

Me: And that stops them cold, does it?

A: Yep - I can stop anyone with The Manoeuver.

[No word yet on when he's gonna drop Magnum on us]

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