Saturday, March 31, 2012

Conversation With a 9-Year-Old: Universal Truth Edition

Me: Ugh. Cramps.

J: What's wrong?

Me: I just have cramps.

J: From what?

Me: From my period.

J: Oh. How many times does that happen? Like, once a year?

Me: Try once a month.

J: Oh, that's too bad. But then it means you can have babies, right?

Me: Sort of. Yes, yes, I guess that's basically what it means.

J: It's sort of like, "you get to have babies, but you have to have this bad thing happen to get the prize, which is the babies." So, it's like a curse.

Me: Did you just say the period is like a curse?

J [defensively]: Well, it is!! Kind of, you know?

Me: Did you hear it called the curse somewhere?

J: No, but it kind of makes sense, doesn't it?

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