J: Mom! Want to hear a joke?
Me: Um, sure.
J: Ok. So. A redhead, a brownhead and a - a - beigehead ...
Me: You mean a redhead, a brunette and a blonde?
J: Yes?
Me: Is this joke about girls?
J: No.
Me: Ok, then probably not brunette. A redhead, a blonde, and a brown-haired guy?
J: Yeah. Ok. So, they're running from the police, right? And they get to a farm, and the redhead hides behind a cow. And the brown-haired guy hides behind a sack of potatoes. And the blond hides behind a sack of potatoes. So then the police come, and go up to the cow, but the guy behind it says "moo! moo!" so they go away. Then they come up to the dog -
M: What dog? There were two sacks of potatoes.
J: Oh, no. It was a dog. So anyway, the police come up to the dog, and the guy behind the dog says "woof! woof!" so they go away. Then they come up to the sack of potatoes, and the guy behind the sack - who has the yellow hair - can't think of what a potato says, so he just says "potato! potato!"
[hysterical laughter and much repetition of Potato! Potato! ensues from the boys]
Me: That's pretty funny!
J: It's funny because in, like, olden days, they used to think that people with yellow hair weren't that smart.
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