Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Conversation With a 7-Year-Old: Role Playing Edition

[I am lying in bed, trying to rest. A comes along, having invented an adventure game, in which he creates quests in a fantasy world. I get coins and gadgets (his word) that I can use to complete quests, for which I will be rewarded with more coins and prizes]

A, after explaining the game to me: So, do you want to play?

Me: Sure.

A: Okay, just let me get a pen. [goes away, comes back] I brought 2, in case the first one runs out of ink.

[...well into the game..]

A: You find a baby mammoth.

Me: Oh, should I adopt the baby mammoth?

A: Isn't it obvious? Of course! Hold on. [draws mammoth] Ok! It costs 850 coins.

Me: I have exactly 850 coins left.

A: Lucky, right?

Me: Um. If I spend all of my coins on the baby mammoth, will I run into trouble later on?

A: Um, no ... you can get more coins when you find the golden crab and return it to its home.

Me: Oh, okay. Wait. I thought I found the baby mammoth. How come now I have to pay for it?

A: You found it at a tree that sells animals.

Me: A tree. That sells animals.

A: Yep.

Me: Is it a sentient tree?

A: Yep!

Me: Do you know what sentient means?

A: Nope!

Me: Okay. It means aware and thinking. ... all right, I will buy the baby mammoth.

[...later on ...]

A: [Whistling]

Me: What's that?

A: It's the wind.

Me: Brrr. Baby mammoth and I - I'm going to call him Tusky. Tusky and I should hide out and get warm. Do I have a tent or a sleeping bag or anything?

A: No ... but you don't need them.

Me: But it's a storm!

A, chuckling: It's not a storm! It's just, like, an Antarctica place. Remember, there was all that ice in the canyon, and you have a mammoth?

Me: Right. So we're warm enough?

A: Well, I think you know what your mammoth can do.

Me: ?

A: Isn't it obvious? He's shedding! You can use his fur to make a pillow.

Me: Right, obvious.

[...and even later...]

A: Okay, now you come to a beach. There's something about this beach.

Me, half asleep by now: Oh, I don't like the looks of this beach.

A: What? No! There's something good on the beach!

Me: Oh! Right! The golden crab!

A: Right.

Me: Do I have to catch it?

A: Obviously!

Me: Okay. I will make a net from the fur Tusky sheds. Have I seen the crab yet?

A: No, you have to find it.

Me: Can I hunt it? Does it leave footprints?

A: It's claws are gold, like, made of gold, so they're so heavy it can't lift them. So it drags them.

Me: Oh. Makes sense.

A: You see snail tracks. I mean, what LOOK like snail tracks.

Me: Okay, I follow the tracks. I see the crab! I throw the net!

A: You miss. He's too fast.

Me: With solid gold claws he can't even lift?

A: Well, he's just really small.

[I start to drift back off to sleep]

A: Okay! You caught him!

Me: Woot. What did I win?

A, chortling: No, no, you have to get him to his home first.

Me: Oooooh.

A: You look around. There is wood all over the beach. I think you know what to do next.

Me: Build a fire?

J, who has recently entered: No, you build a shelter!

A: No, a raft. Obviously.

Me: I think you need to cut back on your use of "obviously".

J: I think a shelter makes more sense.

Me: J, you're not the DM. A, I need to cross the water?

A: Yes, the golden crab lives across the water.

Me: Okay, I build a raft, lashing the pieces together with more of Tusky's fur.

A: Tusky is getting a little bald spot. You should put him in your backpack to keep warm.

Me: Okay.

[... I drift in and out of sleep...]

A: The mammoth keeps watch in the crow's nest.

Me: I built a raft with a crow's nest?

A: Yes!

Me: Wow. I'm good at building rafts.

J: It even has an elevator to get the mammoth up and down safely.

A: You're pretty much the best raft builder ever.

[And then I got the golden crab home safely and was rewarded with 500 coins and a laser sword. So, you know, regular Tuesday]

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