Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Conversation With An 8-Year-Old: Myths and Gods Edition

Me: So, just so you know, the school you'll be going to in Peru will probably have a religious part.

A: What?

Me: Like, they'll teach you about religion. About God. I mean, as well as all the regular subjects.

A: Oh. What gods?

Me: Oh - the Christian God. You know, the one that's just called "God", that's in the Bible, that people say is Jesus' father ...

A [deeply disappointed]: But I want to learn about the Greek gods! I wish they were teaching me about the Greek gods, not the Christian one.

Me: Okay, but listen. You are already really interested in Greek gods and are learning lots about them on your own. And Christianity is a part of your heritage - your dad and I both come from Christian backgrounds, and it will be good for you to learn more about that. It also plays a big part in lots of other things you'll be learning about, so it's good to be familiar with it.

A: But -

Me: And you'll always be able to learn about the Greek gods.

A: Okay. Speaking of learning, can I go back on Wikipedia?

(Edit: I just realized I never told him that the people at the school will view God on very different footing from the way they view Greek gods, and he needs to be aware and respectful of their belief. We'll need to review that soon.)